Ecological Scoping

Ecological scoping studies provide essential baseline information about a site's ecological context, and allow an assessment to be made of the likely impacts of any proposed development. At Windrush Ecology Ltd., scoping studies are supported by a detailed ecological desk study to identify notable or protected habitats and species that may be affected by the proposal and by thorough field survey to provide robust ecological information and to inform decisions regarding further survey work, ecological constraints and opportunities.

Extended Phase 1 habitat survey techniques are employed for assessing, describing and mapping habitats and for evaluating a site’s potential to support protected species. We follow the Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management’s Guidelines for Preliminary Ecological Appraisal when undertaking ecological scoping surveys and subsequent ecological appraisals.

Our ecological consultants are all members of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Managent (IEEM) and have a wide range of experience in undertaking ecological scoping surveys, habitat surveys and protected species surveys.